In the dynamic world of online platforms, ensuring the authenticity and credibility of users is cruticial. Which is why we require users at certain parts of their journey to validate their identity. The current flows include Posting a Product, and Collaborating on a Product. At Lonch, we prioritize the validation of user identities to maintain a trustworthy and secure environment. 

Here’s why this is important:

Maintaining Trust and Safety

  • Trustworthy Community: Identity validation helps in building a community where users can trust that they are interacting with genuine individuals or entities.
  • Safety: It reduces the risk of fraudulent activities, protecting both the product creators and the users engaging with these products.

Enhancing Quality and Reliability

  • Quality Control: Verified identities mean that the products and collaborations on our platform meet a certain standard of quality and authenticity.
  • Reliability: Users feel more confident in the reliability of the information and products when they know they are dealing with verified individuals or organizations.

Encouraging Accountability

  • Responsibility: Identity validation fosters a sense of responsibility among users, as their real-world identity is associated with their actions on the platform.
  • Accountability: It ensures that users are accountable for their contributions, which is vital in maintaining the integrity of the products and collaborations.

Complying with Legal and Regulatory Standards

  • Legal Compliance: Identity verification is often a requirement to comply with various legal and regulatory standards, especially in areas related to intellectual property and online commerce.
  • Preventing Misuse: It helps in preventing the misuse of the platform for illegal or unethical activities.


Identity validation is a cornerstone in building a robust, secure, and trustworthy digital platform. At Lonch, we are committed to upholding these standards to ensure that our community remains a safe and reliable space for innovation and collaboration.

Your trust and security are paramount to us at Lonch. We continuously strive to implement measures that uphold the integrity and quality of our platform and its users.